August 17, 2013

Fix: headset/headphones make a buzzing noise when plugged in the front panel

A buzzing/humming noise in your headset or headphones is most likely electromagnetic interference, meaning a "disturbance that affects an electrical circuit due to either electromagnetic induction or electromagnetic radiation emitted from an external source. The disturbance may interrupt, obstruct, or otherwise degrade or limit the effective performance of the circuit." - Wikipedia

I/O back panel of a motherboard

There are a few things you can do to solve this issue:

1. Plug-in your headset in the back panel jack of your computer. The front jack panel of a lot of computer cases are known to be badly isolated and are often prone to interference. The I/O back panel of your motherboard is far more likely to be better built and grounded. If your headset cable is not long enough to reach the back you might want to get an extension cord.

2. The cause can be bad drivers. Make sure you have updated sound card and headphone drivers. Check your sound card/headphones/headset vendor's website for the newest drivers.

3. Open up your computer (when it's totally shut down and disconnected from any source of power, of course) and make sure all your connections are properly separated and don't touch each other. Computer cable management is important to avoid any cable problems. See below for a computer with good cable management. You will notice how all the cables go through the back and are separate from each other:

Good cable management is essential

4. Open up your computer (when it's totally shut down and disconnected from any source of power) and disconnect your front panel and any other device making use of USB ports connected to the motherboard. Plug your computer back on and connect your headphones and see if the buzzing sound is still present. Continue to plug back in your USB devices and turning on and off your computer to find the culprit.

5. Another possible solution to the buzzing noise could be to get a new or separate sound card. If all of the above doesn't fix the buzzing noise, a component of your computer could be defective and will need to be replaced.


  1. One solution for buzz is to get a headphone splitter and connect to your soundcard speaker port , and connect both your headphone and speaker to the back port. This eliminates the problem of buzz when using the front port.

  2. The blog is good enough I again n again read wireless headphones

  3. Thanks. I plugged my earphone into the back of the computer and it worked

  4. This might be of use, I disabled the sound enhancement "Loudness Equalization" in Sound/ManageAudioDevices/SpeakersandHeadphones/Enhancements
